Last night I was reading a spy novel set in 1958, around the time of the sputnik era, and there was a description of the Jupiter rocket that would launch the US's first satellite, and it mentioned that there were the letters "UE" on the side...
I have a painting that I did when I was 8, and it was exactly that rocket.
I happened to be looking at the painting, recently, and wondering why I put those letters, rather than "US" or something. I found the image that I painted it from (must've been in LIFE or Nat. Geo., originally), online. Apparently I was a very diligent copier.
Just now, looking at the original photo and the painting, together, I remembered being 8 years old, with brushes and gouache, in my room with the grey linoleum tile, in the house on Iliaina street, listening to "The Hurdy Gurdy Man".
Great piece of personal research. Also, a heck of a good copy for eight years old. I remember the gray linoleum.